Thursday, April 19, 2012

S1E20- Dead Man's Blood

Papa Winchester! You're back!

I was wondering how they were going to handle vampires. They could have gone extra traditional with it or completely off the map, but I think they handled it with a decent balance of both. Sunlight doesn't kill them, but it does hurt, the cross mythology is bogus, as is the stake through the heart, but beheading still works. The dead-man's blood thing isn't in traditional vampire lore, so far as I have found, but I know other authors have used it as a vampire weakness plot device.

URGH, John Winchester, I don't know what to do with you. I get that you have more of a "tough love" type of life, but your "do as I tell you and don't ask questions" routine is irritating as all hell. And personally, I don't think it's very smart, either. If you expect your sons to help you with this, they kind of need to be filled in on the details, or there's a very good chance they'll make a mistake that could be dangerous. I don't blame Sam one bit for calling you out and demanding information. And I'm definitely proud of Dean for finally taking his brother's side with some of this.

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