Tuesday, March 27, 2012

S1E13- Route 666

I knew it. Dean's like a porcupine. He's all prickly exterior, and soft, squishy, marshmallow inside. URGH I'M OFFICIALLY IN LOVE.

And Sam was smug as all hell about it too, which was hilarious. He was all like, "Woah, wait. A girl? That you spent more than one night with? Omg you were totes in luuuuuurve!" And Dean was pretty much like, "::glare:: I'll kill you."

But cuteness and sibling ribbing aside, I seriously thought Cassie was going to die. I mean, being involved with the Winchesters seems dangerous enough on an average day, let alone when you've got the ghost of a pissed off racist out to get you. (Also, when you act stupid. Like not running upstairs when something restricted to keeping four wheels on the ground is after you while in your house. I mean duh, come on.)

I had a moment of, "Well, duh guys." with Sam and Dean with this one too. When they pulled the truck out from the swamp, I assumed they would be finding a way to salt and torch the whole thing, not just the guy's body. It was only logical; the guy's spirit was manifesting through the truck, they even made a point of saying that sometimes spirits latch onto objects, make them a part of themselves. So of course the truck had to be destroyed too.

Sam's way worked pretty nicely though, not going to lie. Very clever. Though I agree with Dean's "I'm going to kill him." when Sam said he hadn't thought about what would have happened if he was wrong about the church grounds. Or even if he had been right, but Cassie's information on where it was was wrong.

And awwww, Dean's bashful, "I hope we see each other again because I luff you." He's such a marshmallow. I just want to cuddle him.

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