Wednesday, March 21, 2012

S1E12- Faith

Damn it. I love Dean, I've decided. I was trying so hard to resist him, but he's just too great of a character.

He seriously broke my heart all over the place during this episode. He was so quietly resigned to death, even when Sam was fighting so hard to find a way to get him help. And his guilt. When they figured out how all those healings were able to happen, he was so clearly distraught, especially when he started to consider the fact that that girl Layla would be cheated out of her healing because of their actions.

I feel bad for the reverend too. He genuinely thought he was helping people, he really had no idea how much evil his wife was doing in the name of "morality."

Ooo, and how awesome was the Reaper? Totally badass portrayal, in my opinion.

Gosh I really liked this episode. I think I might go back and watch this one again soon.

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