Thursday, March 15, 2012

S1E11- Scarecrow

If ever there was a reason to be afraid of scarecrows, it's definitely now.

I would survive a horror movie, I'm fairly sure. Because there is no way in hell I would be wandering through a strange, creepy orchard in the middle of the night. I would lock all my damn doors and wait it out until morning to find help. Preferably not from the people who assured me my car would be running well earlier that day.

Urgh, division amongst the ranks! The worst part is, I get both sides of their story. I get that Sam wants answers, but I also understand that Dean's learned to trust their father, and wants to follow his orders.

And Meg! I've heard about her from other fans in passing, so I was really pleased to finally meet her character. Talk about shady. I can't wait to see the havoc she's going to wreak.

"You don't have a plan do you."

"I'm working on it."

Buhaha, Dean. You are so lucky Sam came to your rescue.

"I take it all back, I have never been more happy to see you in my entire life!"

Oh, the brotherly love. :)

1 comment:

  1. O how i love scarecrow lol. he has alaways been one of my favorites in horror movies. But i must say that you are right tho with the hole going out into a creepy orchard at night. Um talk about having every weapon known to man on me. I think i could survive a horror movie for quite some time. cause you never go to the door, you never look behind you, and you never go upstairs cause all of those lead to your death lol. I think its kind of funny actually
