Monday, February 20, 2012

Intro & Pilot

Welcome to my Supernatural blog-along! I've been hearing nothing but amazing things about this series for over a year, and I finally decided to take the plunge and start watching, and I thought that blogging along my thoughts on each episode, predictions for future episodes, opinions on characters, etc, would be an interesting opportunity to not only share my opinions, but possibly introduce other people to a new series as well.

Just as a note, this blog will not be spoiler-free!

Let's get started with a little trailer, shall we?

Yep. I want to see this. Cheers, well-made promo.

So let's start off with season one, episode one, which I just finished watching.

When I start watching a series, I'm a big fan of the "I have no idea what's happening but I'm REALLY EXCITED." feeling when the story line is appropriately confusing and intriguing. The pilot definitely did that for me. The murder of Sam and Dean's mother was a properly frightening set-up for the rest of the series, and what exactly killed her and why are two questions I look forward to seeing answered.

Sam is appropriately adorable and earnest, while Dean is definitely the character that will have to work a bit hard for your emotions. (Unless you go for the rough-around-the-edges type, in which case he may be your favorite by the end of his first scene.) What I especially like about their dynamic is the fact that Sam is just out of touch with his father and brother's monster-hunting business that he asks enough questions or offers up enough explanations for the audience's benefit, but he doesn't bog down the flow of the story by being clueless.

I've heard from others that there is a lot of great use of urban legends and biblical canon throughout the series, and using a Woman in White certainly is a good sign of things to come. She was really frightening! I loved when she possessed the Impala, and Dean just pulls the keys from his pocket as the car comes flying toward them. A very "Oh crap" moment.

I was kind of pissed when whatever-it-is-that-clearly-has-it-out-for-Sam killed his girlfriend though. That poor kid just cannot catch a break! Necessary of course, something had to kick him onto the road with his brother, but still pretty sucky for him.

On to episode two!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! I love anything supernatural, ghost stories, or just weird kind of stories. I haven't watched this show yet, but I will be tuning in and following your blog too!
