Monday, February 27, 2012

S1E5- Bloody Mary

Note to self: never ever ever ever ever watch Supernatural late at night ever again.

Way to take a legend I've always hated and make it into nightmare-worthy freaky-ness, Supernatural. Nice to know I'll be jumping at every tiny noise tonight, thanks so much.

Yeah, ok, there was some clever stuff going on with the episode, certainly. I had forgotten about the superstition about covering mirrors when someone dies until they brought it up, but isn't that a terrifying thought to write an episode around.

I will be doing my best to forget about this episode as rapidly as possible, because this one had serious freaking-out factors.

I did like the line, "That's like, what, 600 years of bad luck?" though.

And Sam! Get your act together and learn to trust your brother! You need to tell him everything, he has more experience with these things, the fact that you had dreams about your girlfriend's death before it happened definitely means something! I mean honestly.

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